RomCom Uses Word Documents in New Phishing Campaign, Microsoft Warns


In a recent announcement, Microsoft has issued a warning about a new phishing campaign dubbed "RomCom" that leverages Word documents as an avenue for cybercriminals to gain unauthorized access to personal information. This blog post aims to shed light on this emerging threat and provide users with essential information to stay protected.

1. What is RomCom?

The term "RomCom" stands for "Romantic Comedy," but in this context, it refers to a sophisticated phishing campaign that uses enticing Word documents as a tool to deceive unsuspecting recipients.

2. How Does the RomCom Phishing Campaign Work?

The RomCom campaign begins when an unsuspecting user receives an email containing a seemingly innocent Word document attachment. Upon opening the document, hidden malicious scripts are triggered, infecting the user's device and allowing hackers to gain access to their personal information.

3. The Deceptive Art of Social Engineering:

RomCom relies on social engineering tactics to trick users into falling for the phishing attempt. The email entices the recipient by masquerading as a romantic or comedic story, encouraging them to open the Word document for entertainment purposes.

4. Hidden Malicious Scripts:

Once the user opens the Word document, behind the scenes, hidden malicious scripts execute and start infecting the victim's device. These scripts exploit vulnerabilities and security loopholes to gain unauthorized access to personal data or even install malware.

5. Distribution Tactics:

Cybercriminals utilize various distribution tactics to send the RomCom phishing emails. Some of these tactics include disguising the sender's email address, mimicking a trustworthy source, or employing targeted email campaigns to prey on specific individuals or organizations.

6. How to Spot a RomCom Phishing Email?

To stay safe from RomCom and other phishing campaigns, users should remain vigilant and look out for certain red flags. Common signs of a phishing email include suspicious email addresses, grammatical errors, unexpected attachments, and urgent requests for personal information.

7. Best Practices to Stay Protected:

To defend against RomCom and other phishing attacks, it's crucial to adopt some best practices. These include keeping your software and security systems up to date, avoiding opening suspicious attachments, verifying email sources before responding, and maintaining a healthy level of skepticism.


The RomCom phishing campaign highlights the evolving creativity and persistence of cybercriminals in discovering new ways to deceive users. Microsoft's warning serves as a timely reminder for individuals and organizations to stay vigilant, remain informed, and take proactive steps to safeguard personal information from phishing attacks.

By staying proactive, following best practices, and being cautious when opening attachments, users can ensure they steer clear of the RomCom phishing campaign and protect their digital lives from such cyber threats.

Remember, in the digital landscape, it's better to be safe than sorry!

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